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Simplify electronics shopping for your customers

With, you can help your customers find the right electronics product at the right price through one-to-one instant messaging over WhatsApp, Messenger, and more.

Depiction of an electronics ecommerce chat conversation
Chat support bot making customer happy

Switch on conversations 24/7/365

Make your brand available to customers at any time on Facebook, Instagram, web chat widgets, and other messaging applications.

Bot restock conversation flow

Scale up interactions with bot flows

Use intelligent conversational bots for campaign engagement, customer onboarding, prequalification, FAQs, and self-service product research.

Chat purchase advice

Offer purchase advice on the go

Share product catalogs, simplify feature comparisons, handle objections, and assure customers in a distraction-free messaging environment.

Electronics ecommerce transaction in conversation

Close sales within conversations

Build carts, share order summaries, and process payments right within chat interfaces to provide a seamless sales experience for your customers.

Graphic depicting analytics chart of customer needs

Understand and predict consumer needs

Gather first-hand consumer insights about product preferences to inform and improve your marketing and sales strategies.

Never worry about syncing it all

Keep your catalog, orders, shipping, payment information, and customer data secure, integrated, and updated at all times, across your enterprise-wide systems.
Pictogram of chain links

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