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The Best Time to Make Cold Calls

This article was updated on December 1, 2022

A cold caller’s chances of closing a deal skyrocket if the timing’s right. In this article, we’ll take a look at what a cold call is, how it differs from warm — and hot! — calls, some tips on the best and worst times to cold call, and more.

Illustration of a person sitting at a desk whose monitor is sprinkled with snowflakes.

What Is a Cold Call?

The cold call. 

Salespeople know that moment, just before they’re about to dial. 

Suddenly they feel the dread of imminent rejection. The anxiety of soliciting a customer who didn’t ask for it. A phone conversation that might end the very moment it begins.

This isn’t just the cold caller’s imagination. Every day, salespeople and their supervisors strive to make cold calls work. One rejection alone isn’t so brutal. But a hundred? Devastating.

But they don’t fret. Not if they have the right technology to give them an edge.

Cold Calls vs. Warm Calls

A salesperson calls a prospect — AFTER checking the National Do Not Call Registry, abiding by the rules and regulations of the salesperson’s industry and market, and honoring all of the prospect's rights detailed by the SEC, including calling them at home only between 8 am and 9 pm — that didn’t ask for it. That’s a COLD call.

Calling a referral a helpful client gave to the salesperson? That’s STILL a cold call, interrupting the referral’s day.

Is that such a bad thing to do? No! That referral’s in the market. The helpful client said so.

But when the salesperson calls a prospect after they fill out a lead form? Say from downloading a gated whitepaper from the company’s site? That’s a WARM call. And the right technology will KEEP those calls warm and make cold calls warmer by:

  • giving salespeople the ability to make their calls look local and encourage pick-ups
  • providing a dialer that prioritizes call lists, so salespeople reach the best prospects first
  • deeply integrating with a CRM, so salespeople have engagement histories at their fingertips and can focus on selling

Cold Call Success Rates

According to, “Cold calling has a 2% success rate, on average.” So the cold caller who gets timing factors right gets cold calls right.

Time zones. Busy seasons. Holidays and events. Fiscal year. These variables should dictate whether a cold-calling campaign is kicked off at all.

With time zones, for instance, a cold caller might scroll west hourly to stay in an optimal hour for each call. Or they might choose to skip a month, like December, when NO ONE wants to take a cold call.

Or maybe they DON’T skip December! An ending fiscal year might spell opportunity — a leftover budget or a new one to spend. 

And with the right technology, the cold caller can rest assured that when they leave a voice message and the prospect texts back, the digital and voice channels will provide complete omnichannel visibility of the cross-channel interaction history.

The Proven Best Times to Call

Which days? Mid-week, according to

Wednesday and Thursday. Business has slowed down a bit. Prospects actually have time to take a call. A pitch has a good chance of sticking. The prospect’s attention has a good chance of staying focused.

Yet not all hours in the day are equal. In the ones before lunch and quitting time, prospects wrap up morning and afternoon tasks, rather than start new projects. What does that mean for a cold caller and their organization? 

Opportunities. Opportunities for the cold caller to make a sale and their organization to use integrated tools to:

When You Definitely Shouldn’t Call

Is Tuesday a Good Day to Cold Call?

No! Monday neither! Prospects use these days to catch up on last week’s projects or tackle new ones from the weekend.

Is It Bad to Cold Call on Friday?

Yes! Prospects love their weekends, too, which means THAT’S where their heads are at by Friday — NOT talking to salespeople.

How Early Is Too Early to Cold Call?

The whole first half of the morning. Prospects use this time to drink coffee and block out their day. So cold callers should, too!

How Else Can I Ensure Success?

Some other great ways a cold caller and/or their supervisor can improve overall results for the organization include:

How Vonage Can Help

There you have it — the best and worst times for salespeople to cold call, and the best tools for them to use when they do it! But that’s just the beginning! Now it’s time to learn how easy it is to empower salespeople to deliver a personalized, engaging sales pitch — with Vonage Contact Center!

By Vonage Staff

This article was written by Vonage experts.


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