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Call Center Services

Streamline and unify your call center services today. From effective integration with CRMs to virtual receptionists, Vonage Business Communications offers a range of features that will simplify your call center operations.

Speak to a Vonage expert and learn how to make the most of call center services for your business.


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All the Features You Need for a Small Business Call Center

Vonage Business Communications (VBC) is a unified communications platform with built-in call center services that can help your small business. So, which useful features can VBC offer you?

Unified Calling, Messaging, and More

With VBC you get fully unified calling, messaging, and communications features. This ensures your call center representatives can speak with customers and their team on the phone, via message or SMS, and over video calls.

Call Recording and Monitoring

Regular training and monitoring are essential to run an effective call center. Luckily, with call recording and monitoring, you can be confident in the day-to-day performance of your employees. Trainers and managers can easily listen to and take part in calls. You can also record and download call recordings as required.

CRM Integration

VBC easily integrates with a variety of different CRMs, including well-known platforms like Salesforce and HubSpot. Plus there are also integrations with other useful applications, including productivity and marketing tools and payment software.

Email Notifications

With customized small business call center services, your representatives can also get email notifications whenever customers or clients leave voicemails. This speeds up response times and can be combined with features like visual voicemail to help call center agents and sales teams manage their workloads effectively — ensuring customer needs are met.

Call Queues

As much as you’d like to serve every customer right away, queues are an inevitable part of contacting a call center. But the experience of waiting in a queue doesn’t have to be tedious for customers. You can customize call center services with the features built-in to Vonage solutions, such as music and pre-recorded messages that play while customers are in your virtual waiting room. This provides a branded experience as they move between various touchpoints.

Virtual Receptionist

Small business call centers can also be just as efficient as larger organizations, thanks to Vonage’s virtual receptionist feature. Personalize and customize your welcome message and the options your virtual receptionist provides. You can even create call routing plans for customers contacting you outside business hours or during the holidays.

What Are the Different Types of Call Centers?

Now, let’s take a look at the different types of call centers that exist.

Incoming call prompt screenshot with woman using laptop on couch with headset on

Inbound Call Centers

Inbound call centers are those which receive customer inquiries, complaints, support requests, and other calls (as opposed to making outbound calls). 

Typical examples include customer service hotlines and tech support centers. The primary goal is to resolve the caller's issue or answer their question as effectively and efficiently as possible.


VBC On mobile desktop or VoIP IP Phone

Outbound Call Centers

Outbound call centers focus on making outgoing calls for various purposes, such as telemarketing, lead generation, fundraising, or renewing customer subscription plans.


Outbound call center staff may be involved in activities ranging from sales to collecting customer feedback and organizing follow-ups.


Screenshots of a new call on desktop and contact list on mobile of Vonage Business Communications apps

Hybrid Call Centers

As the name suggests, hybrid call centers (also sometimes called “blended call centers”) handle both incoming and outgoing calls.


Staff in hybrid call centers aim to maximize a business’s resources and time by being versatile enough to deal with different kinds of customer communication needs. As a result, agents in hybrid call centers may require more training than sole-purpose call center staff.


Vonage Business Call logs displayed on a Laptop

Domestic Call Centers

If you describe a call center as “domestic,” it means it’s situated in the same country as the business it serves. Agents and customers will typically share the same language(s) and time zone(s).

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Offshore Call Centers

Offshore or international call center services are in a different country than the business they serve. Outsourcing call center services in this way to specialized providers can often deliver a range of cost savings.

Photo of a smiling female call center agent talking to a customer on her headset as she types notes on her computer.

Cloud Call Centers

A cloud call center (or virtual call center) is based on virtual communications technology. This makes it possible for call center agents to work from different locations, such as their homes.


This flexibility enables a virtual call center employee to do their job using the internet and their chosen devices, without requiring a physical workspace.


VBC SMS & MMS Screenshot on a laptop with a popout of the new SMS dialog

Omnichannel Contact Centers

This is a modern and flexible type of call center solution that integrates different channels of communication, such as voice, email, social media, and live chat.


Omnichannel centers provide a seamless experience regardless of channel or device, enabling customers to get in touch with businesses via their preferred channel.

Which Services Do Call Centers Provide?

Let’s move on to the sorts of services call centers provide. Services provided by each call center will differ according to a number of factors — not least, the type of call center it is. An inbound call center, for instance, is far more likely to be involved with customer service provision than sales.

Customer Service

Customer service is probably the most common service provided by call centers.

Customer service representatives assist with inquiries, issues, and complaints. They may also help with product information, troubleshooting, billing questions, and account management.

Technical Support

Tech support centers help customers solve technical issues with products or services and often have staff with highly specialized skill sets.

Tech support usually covers any software, hardware, or internet connectivity issues users may be experiencing while using the company’s products or services.

Telemarketing and Sales

Call centers may also make outbound calls to potential customers to sell products or services.

These call center employees might be part of a sales team rather than a customer support team and need to be excellent communicators.

Calls made from outbound call centers can either consist of cold calls or following up on leads. This means staff may help with lead generation as well as sales.

Help Desk Services

Help desk call centers are similar to tech support but usually provide internal support within an organization, such as assisting employees with technical issues, HR questions, or other needs.

Though not customer-facing, help desk services are essential to many companies, particularly large businesses with lots of remote or internationally based employees.


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99.999% uptime reliability to keep your business running.1 Explore our tech
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Security and compliance

Secure communications that meet your industry’s regulatory requirements. See VBC Security & Reliability
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Ease of use

Switching is a cinch, and using it is even easier. See how
Icon of a headset with microphone.

Customer service

No question’s too big—you’ll get it answered fast. Explore VBC Support

The 99.999% claim is based on Vonage's average up-time and/or availability.

Choosing Between Outsourced and In-House Call Centers

Consider some of the differences between outsourced and in-house call centers to help you decide which would be better for your business.

The Pros and Cons of Outsourced Call Centers


  • Cost-effective: The third-party company to which you outsource absorbs all the costs associated with recruitment, training, equipment, and facilities.

  • Scalability: Outsourced call center services can generally scale their operations more quickly and efficiently to help you handle busy periods or unexpected growth.

  • 24/7 service: Outsourcing also makes it easier to provide round-the-clock customer service, especially across different time zones.

  • Operational expertise: Outsourcing companies are specialists in their field, with experience managing call center operations. They can bring this expertise to your business and enhance customer experiences.


  • Control: You’ll have less control over day-to-day operations and processes when using outsourced call center services providers.

  • Quality: If the outsourced center lacks proper training or management, it may not deliver the same quality of service as an in-house team. Additionally, you may not be able to access call recordings and other data as easily as you would in your own call center.

  • Language barriers: If your call center operations are outsourced to an offshore provider, language barriers could potentially lead to misunderstandings and reduced customer satisfaction.

  • Security: There are potential security risks associated with sharing sensitive customer data with third parties.

  • Lack of product or business knowledge: While outsourced call center providers are experts in operating a call center, they may not be as well versed in your business or products as your own staff. So ensuring agents at these centers are properly trained in the intricacies of your products or services is essential.

The Pros and Cons of In-House Call Centers


  • Control: Having an in-house call center gives a company greater control over operations, training, and quality assurance. It's easier to implement changes and ensure its ethos aligns with your company culture and goals.

  • Knowledge: In-house teams tend to have a better understanding of products, services, and company policies, as they’re more integrated into the business.

  • Customer experience: Employees who reside in the same geographical location as your customers will understand the local culture, dialect, and other nuances better — all of which can lead to a superior customer experience.

  • Confidentiality: In-house call centers are often more secure in terms of data privacy, as sensitive information doesn't have to be shared with third parties.


  • Cost: Setting up and maintaining an in-house call center can be expensive. Costs include salaries, benefits, training, recruitment, equipment and technical maintenance, software, and facilities.

  • Scalability: It can be challenging to scale up or down quickly in response to fluctuating demand or business growth.

Resource management. Running an effective call center requires time, resources, and specialized expertise that can take up hours and energy from your busy staff.

Vonage as a Call Center Service Provider

A call center is an important point of connection between your team and customers or clients. Efficient call centers can create memorable interactions and help you secure long-term customer loyalty.

With Vonage as your call center services provider, your business can benefit from efficiencies and streamlined processes that enhance employee productivity and customer experiences. Whatever challenges your representatives or sales teams are facing, Vonage’s call center services offer effective solutions.

Discover how Vonage can help your business by reaching out to an expert today.


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